Storytelling with Shawn Callahan

I was cruising Linkedin today, and came across a reference to this video by Shawn Callahan. In this clip, he tells us a story about attending a conference at IBM for one of their internal universities. Shawn’s talk (on storytelling) followed this fellow named Dan who is a ‘distinguished engineer’. (Awesome job title!) And what Shawn did in his talk was used Dan’s talk to illustrate a point about the power of storytelling. The drive-home message in this video is excellent. Mind you, I do feel a pinch sorry for the distinguished engineer named Dan after he was used as an example of ‘what not to do’.

BUT, Shawn’s explanation is solid. Storytelling has the power to move people and make them remember. Here’s the video, do check it out.

For more of Shawn, you can check out his YouTube page:

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